Evaluation, Treatment, and Prevention of Vitamin D…

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Evaluation, Treatment, and Prevention of Vitamin D Deficiency: an Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

Michael F. Holick, Neil C. Binkley, Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, Catherine M. Gordon, David A. Hanley, Robert P. Heaney, M. Hassan Murad, and Connie M. Weaver


Boston University School of Medicine (M.F.H.), Boston, Massachusetts 02118; University of Wisconsin (N.C.B.), Madison, Wisconsin 53706; University Hospital Zurich (H.A.B.-F.), CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland; Children’s Hospital Boston (C.M.G.), Boston, Massachusetts 02115; University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine (D.A.H.), Calgary, lberta, Canada T2N 1N4; Creighton University (R.P.H.), Omaha, Nebraska 68178; Mayo Clinic (M.H.M.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905; and Purdue University (C.M.W.), West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

Objective: The objective was to provide guidelines to clinicians for the  evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency with an emphasis on the care of patients who are at risk for deficiency.

Participants: The Task Force was composed of a Chair, six additional experts, and a methodologist. The Task Force received no corporate funding or remuneration.

Consensus Process: Consensus was guided by systematic reviews of evidence and discussions during several conference calls and e-mail communications. Thedraftpreparedby the Task Forcewas reviewed successively by The Endocrine Society’s Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee, Clinical Affairs Core Committee, and cosponsoring associations, anditwas posted on The Endocrine Societyweb site formember review. At each stage of review, the Task Force received written comments and incorporated needed changes.

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