Vitamin D supplementation guidelines

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Vitamin D supplementation guidelines

Pawel Pludowskia, *, Michael F. Holickb, William B. Grantc, Jerzy Konstantynowiczd,
Mario R. Mascarenhase, Afrozul Haqf, Vladyslav Povoroznyukg, Nataliya Balatskag,
Ana Paula Barbosae, Tatiana Karonovah, Ema Rudenkai, Waldemar Misiorowskij,
Irina Zakharovak, Alena Rudenkal, Jacek Łukaszkiewiczm,Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierskan, Natalia Łaszcza, Pawel Abramowiczd, Harjit P. Bhattoao, Sunil J. Wimalawansap

Over the past ten years, more than 30,000 manuscripts have been published worldwide, demonstrating a variety of health benefits of vitamin D [1]. Meanwhile, a relatively smaller number of publications reported insufficient evidence of extra-skeletal biological effects of vitamin D in humans [2]. For example, Autier et al. [3] and Bolland et al. [4] published review articles suggesting that hypovitaminosis D is an epiphenomenon that coincides with
poor health outcomes [3], and that the correction of vitamin D deficiency has no beneficial effects [3]. They also claim that conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) searching for vitamin D-dependent health outcomes is futile [4], but their metaanalyses were far from satisfactory because of the bias of selection of studies.

In contrast, other reviews, original studies, and meta-analyses strongly pointed towards vitamin D as having significant beneficial effects and an important micronutrient component in the prevention of diseases [5–10]. In fact, is it not surprising, when general practitioners (GPs) review scientific papers showing effects of vitamin D on reducing the risks of cardiovascular
disease, stroke, heart failure, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, infections, secondary to having year-around, higher 25- hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] serum concentrations, they may be confused as to what to believe and are thus, skeptical.

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